Exhibitors and Sponsors

This key CIE event would not be complete without an exhibition platform—a place for exhibitors to showcase products or service information, for visitors to connect, and for business exchanges to take place.

As an exhibitor or sponsor, you have the opportunity to market yourself to an international audience involved in the research, development, and application of lighting technologies. This includes teaching and research professionals as well as utility practitioners applying lighting solutions worldwide.

Depending on the level of sponsorship, you will receive complimentary advertising space, display of your logo in various publications and around the conference venue, and, of course, your company’s presence on the conference website. CIE 2025 offers new high-value branding options, including:

  • Themed sponsorship opportunities for your company to support:
    • The CIE programme for young researchers and professionals
    • The CIE Awards, recognising inspiring and high-quality research
    • The CIE programme for global access (supporting low-income countries)
  • Discounted rates for CIE Supportive Members
  • Opportunities for sponsors to become permanent CIE Supportive Members
Please refer to the table below for all details. Our CIE Supportive Members are eligible for a special discount on these packages.
Exhibitor package includes:
  • Exposure: Exhibitors will be mentioned in all program-related communications, including the website and printed program booklet.
  • Access: Exhibitor access is included, with the number of tickets depending on the package (see table).
  • Additional Delegates: Additional exhibitor delegates can be registered at a discounted rate, typically reserved for CIE Members.
  • Standard Package: Includes electricity, two chairs, and one desk. Additional equipment and services, such as modular stand construction or specific furniture, can be rented at an extra charge.
  • Exhibitor Sponsor Option: Substantially discounted option to become an “Exhibitor Sponsor.” Your company logo will be included in conference communications listing all sponsors under the category “Other Sponsors and Exhibitors.” See prices in the table below (last column).
  • Support: Dedicated contact person for exhibitors before and during the conference.
  • Facilities: Free Wi-Fi and basic daily cleaning.

The price per m² for these packages is EUR 480 (EUR 600 after April 1, 2025).

Please refer to the table for all details.

Additional opportunities include advertising space and marketing options separate from the packages outlined above. For special advertising offers for exhibitors, please refer to the table in the section above. Sponsors have brand promotion options included in their package.

Best point of contact for these opportunities:

CIE Scientific-Services GmbH
Babenbergerstraße 9/9A
1010 Vienna, Austria
Email: noemi.kolloch@cie.co.at
Phone: +43 17143187