At the upcoming conference, all six Scientific Divisions will convene to explore crucial topics, including the impact of the digital age and artificial intelligence on lighting, controls, and measurement. Discussions will cover the application of cone fundamentals in understanding light perception, as well as addressing health benefits and concerns such as temporally modulated light and glare sources. The conference will also evaluate virtual reality and augmented reality displays, and efforts to minimize obtrusive light and sky glow. This reflects the CIE’s commitment to global cooperation and innovation in light and lighting technologies.

The CIE Scientific Conference will take place from 7 to 9 July 2025 at the Austria Center Vienna. Each day of CIE 2025 will start with an inspiring keynote lecture. The Scientific Conference programme will feature three parallel tracks over three days, with workshops from the CIE Divisions integrated into the scientific agenda.  The poster exhibition will be displayed throughout the conference, with dedicated slots in the programme. Social events and special activities for young researchers will also be offered.

The Scientific Programme is coordinated by the CIE 2025 International Scientific Programming Committee, chaired by the CIE Vice-President Technical.

The draft program of the scientific conference will be published on this page at the later stage.