The workshops at CIE 2025 are carefully crafted by the International Scientific Programme Committee (ISPC) to address a diverse range of important topics from the CIE Divisions, with several workshops crossing disciplinary boundaries. These interactive sessions are designed to inspire thought, ignite meaningful discussions, and foster engagement on future-oriented topics aligned with the CIE’s mission. We encourage all participants to actively contribute to shaping the dialogue and advancing the field through these collaborative workshops.


Workshop Title Convener
Personal Colour Management for Displays

With the development of HDR and wide colour gamut displays, conventional technology for colour management presents challenges for the display industry. This workshop will discuss new technologies for assessing individual colour matching functions and observer metamerism for personalised colour management in displays.

Relevant to: D2, D8, the display industry, ICC (note: there is a new ICC liaison for D1, Dr. Chris Bai).

Prof. Ronnier Luo (Division 1)
HDR Images and Glare Measurements

High-dynamic-range (HDR) images, which reproduce real scenery as closely as possible to what is seen by the human eye, are used to measure glare in lighting environments. This workshop aims to share the progress in glare measurement and discuss related technical issues with experts in HDR cameras and displays.

Division 2
Tailoring Indoor Lighting Requirements to Meet Users’ Needs

Several factors—person, task, or context-related—influence lighting needs in indoor environments. How this complexity can be addressed in the lighting design process will be discussed in the workshop, featuring experts in indoor lighting, including researchers, practitioners, and lighting designers.

Prof. Anna Pellegrino (Division 3)
Short-Term and Long-Term Actions for Revisions of Roadway Lighting Recommendations

Division 4 recognises the need to update the guidance for road lighting in CIE115:2010, but also acknowledges that more research is required for certain aspects. Therefore, a two-stage approach to the update has been proposed: a rapid revision based on existing knowledge, and a long-term revision to be informed by future research.

Division 4
Electric Light Effect on Insects

Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the effect of electric light on nocturnal ecosystems has attracted increasing concern, with the impact on insects being a prominent example. On the other hand, the action spectrum of electric light for insect trapping has been researched for many years. There are also some mature results and applications, which may be beneficial for the discussion on the ecosystem aspect. The workshop is scheduled to facilitate mutual information sharing from both sides towards practical conclusions.

The workshop will be of interest to researchers examining the effects of electric light on insects, whether from the perspective of insect trapping or the broader ecosystem impact.

Division 6
Illuminating the Future: Collaborative Strategies for Advancing Global Lighting Education

This interactive workshop will focus on advancing global lighting education through strategic collaboration and knowledge exchange. Participants will explore innovative and inclusive approaches to talent development and global educational initiatives aimed to strengthen the international lighting community.


Prof. Luoxi Hao